Equal Pay Day
What is Equal Pay Day?
US Women working in the same fields as US Men still earn an average of just 82 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn. Equal Pay Day is when US Women finally catch up to the wages US Men received by the end of last year. This means that US women have to work, on average, an extra three months to earn the same amount as US men in the same field.
Pay Disparities Between Women
It’s important to note that this date is calculated by taking an average of all US Women. Disparities across different races are even more pronounced:
Asian American and Pacific Islander Women earn 85 cents on the dollar. However, equal pay figures for this community vary widely by ethnicity.
White, non-Hispanic Women earn 79 cents on the dollar.
Black Women earn 63 cents on the dollar.
Native American Women earn 60 cents on the dollar.
Latina Women earn 55 cents on the dollar.
(Stats from equalpaytoday.org/overview-2021)
Women make up 80% of garment workers
This year, the sustainable fashion community is shining a light on fast fashion brands that have neglected to pay their garment workers wages earned from as long ago as February 2020, when the pandemic slowed sales.
YALA garment workers get paid on time in full
During the pandemic, YALA's production partners and garment workers got paid on time and in full. When COVID restrictions did not allow us to provide their usual hot lunch on-site, they were paid a daily lunch stipend to cover the extra expense of bringing food from home. When public transportation became limited, we hired a private car to get them to and from work with greater ease and safety. If the factory had remained closed for more than two weeks (it did not), they would have received hazard pay compensation for lost wages.
Inadequate pay is not just an offshore issue
The Garment Worker Protection Act is an active petition that seeks to get fair wages to Los Angeles-based garment workers who are paid far below minimum wage through a piece-rate system, which can be as little as 2 cents a piece and often works out to somewhere between $3-$6 an hour.
YALA strives to be an ethical and equitable brand
The comfort of YALA garments on your skin also provides greater comfort and safety in the lives of everyone involved in making them. We take that commitment to heart, and we look forward to the day when issues of equal pay for women and inadequate pay in the fashion industry are problems of the past.
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